Need help joining your call?

Step by step:
Open your internet browser

Chrome is the preferred browser as our systems will run faster. However, other browsers will still work.

Search for or click here.

Go to the Dokotela website by typing ‘’ into your browser or navigate to the website by simply clicking the word here above.

Click ‘Attend Appointment’ button

Up at the top right hand corner of your screen there is an orange button that says ‘Attend Appointment’ - click on this.

Select your specialist from list

Search for your specialists name using the search bar at the top of this page. You would have received your specialists name in the SMS you received from us.

Fill in your name and click ‘I agree’

You will be brought to a new window with a form. You will need to fill in the form and click ‘I agree’ to continue.

Follow the instructions on screen to join waiting room

Your nearly there! Please follow the instructions on screen to join your Specialists waiting room and they will join once they’re ready.

Still need help? Don’t worry we’re here to help

If you are still unsure of how to join your call, we have a full pdf guide that you can download or reach out to our support team directly.